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Home Country Australia

Quality education and training
Living in Australia is safe and enjoyable.

  • Stable economy
  • Effective democracy
  • Cultural diversity.
  • Modern transport and communications
  • Multicultural
  • Safe destination.

  • High rate of urbanization.
  • High standard of living.
  • Clean, pollution free.
  • Beautiful natural environment.
  • English is the national language.

Most of the Australian cities have vibrant Indian Communities.

Australia attracts the third largest number of students after the U.K. and U.S.
Opportunity to apply for Australian permanent residency after the completion of the program.
The Australian education institutions provide a range of support services specifically designed for international students.

International student in Australia on student visa enjoy special protection under Australian law, the education services for overseas students (ESOS) Act 2000.

Australia offers quality education and training of international stature, awarding qualifications that are recognized around the world.

Australian Education and Training Institutions offer a diversity of courses to meet most individual aspirations and learning style.

The standards of instruction are high, curriculum is up-to-the-mark and infrastructure and facilities are excellent Tuition fees are very competitive in comparison to other western nations.

The standard of living in Australia is high but cost of living is reasonable and students get good value for their money.

The cost of living and studying in Australia is lower than Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom.

  • 20 hrs work permit
  • 2 year stay back
  • good climate
  • Family can accompany with selected course